
Չարլզ Դիքենս - 2012 / Մասնակիցներ
Վարկանիշ` 44
Լուիզա Աքիլյան
ք. Երևանի թիվ 112 ա/դ
The Dickens Hera lives next door
…It was evening.The members of my family and I were sitting at the balcony talking at the table.Suddenly the voices were heard again…I at once realized that it was his voice again.His grandmother was turning him out of the house.


Now I live alone.The dreams of my childhood have almost come true.I have become a famous and popular lawyer,though I am only twenty-five.
I am at home.It is seven o’clock in the evening.I am tired but I realize that I have not still finished the work.I must work..Looking through the papers I notice that one of the papers is missing.The table is covered with sheets of papers,I think that it can be mixed with the other papers.When I am looking for it I come across a book.I am astonished I forget about the paper which I am looking for.It is a newly pubished book.The name of the author is unknown for me.But it seems that something reminds me that I should read it.I open it and begin to read it.

…Once I found him sitting on the pavement with tears in his eyes.I came up and sat next to him.It was strange that none of us spoke.But since that day the obstacle between us was broken.

It is a quarter past twelve.It is already late.I close the book and go to bed.
Next day I go on reading the book.It makes a great impression on me.Something in the book seems known for me.
It’s my day off,I make up my mind to put the house in order as sheets of paper are scattered everywhere.Then I go down to the basement and make tidying up there.While doing it I come across on old torn copy-book and remember him at once.

…After his parents death he was “taken care” by his grandmother.There were quarrels and shouts every day.It all influenced on his psychics.Seeing all that I decided to help him.I realized that he liked reading because he asked me several times for books to read.I convinced him to go to school and took him there.Though he was fifteen he was admitted to school as he was a very capable boy.I tried to help him ,I gave him my elder brother,s clothes ( my brother went to Russia to countine his education). Everething seemed to be all right until one dey when…

I take copy-book. And being reading it. I am perrified for an instant. Well I never! I hurriedly went out of the house leaving the copy-book open.
I must go to the bookshop right now.
-Hello! Do you want to buy some book?
-No, I just want to know the address of the author who wrote “The Sentenced”
-Why do you need it?
-I ujst liked the book very much and I want to meet him.
-I’m sorry but I can’t help you. I don’t know his address.
I left the shop hopelessly.

…One day we got a letter from my brother. He wrote that he had found a job and asked us to go to his town to live whith him,
As my father’s business was not so successful he took my brother’s suggestion.Since the day when I told him about my father’s decision,he disappeared.He appeared only that day when we were going to leave.He stood in front of me and without saying a word gave me a copy-book and left.

I am waking along the street and remember that day.Ten years have passed since that day.During those ten years I haven’t heard of him.I am not able not think about him.If the book is published here,HI IS IN TOWN…