
Չարլզ Դիքենս - 2012 / Մասնակիցներ
Վարկանիշ` 3401
Աննա Մելիքսեթյան
ք. Երևանի թիվ 182 ա/դ
Շրջանավարտ 2012
Did you know that the Dickens Hero is my classmate…?
Alarm-clock ringed and I opened my eyes. I wanted to sleep a little more time, but… I guessed that day would be very interesting and I had reason to think so. The day before my teacher had announced that the next day we would have a new classmate.
That day the sun was not shining bright in the sky, it was cold and foggy, but it did not prevent me from smiling. I try to smile and the life smiles me.
On my way to school the snow was crunching, and I got much pleasure appearing in that wonderful scenery. I was passing through my well-known places, but something had changed. There were strange tracks on the snow. It was obvious that the tracks belonged to the boy. But what was the little round track, I could not understand. I started walking after it, and what a shock! A boy had fallen on the ground and he could not stand up. He was making much effort but in vain. There was a crutch near him. Why is God so unfair? Why one can run and make new records in different races and the other can’t even walk on his own? I tried to help him, but I was not strong enough to pull him. Nearly ten minutes passed, when at last he could stand up. He was dressed in very shabby jacket and there was snow on his shoulders.
-Hello! What is your name,- asked I looking at the boy with bright face.
He didn’t answer and in reply to my question he was only looking at me with shyness. I said my name and that gave him a little boldness.
-I am Tim,-whispered he.
-Where are you going? I will accompany you.
-Today is my first day in a new school and how I can go there in this appearance?
I put all facts together and realized that the boy was our new classmate.
-Welcome to our school Tim, you have got your first friend here!
He smiled.
We entered the school and Tim’s little crunch was heard on the floor. Pupils turned and looked at us with astonishment. Probably they had thousands of questions, but it was succeed with breathless pause. Only a boy came up and said
-Who is he? And why he is here. His place is the street. Chuck him out!
These words hurt him very much. He turned and wanted to go when the teacher took him into the class.
One, two, three…Hours were passing, but there was no news. Finally the doctor came and said that Tim’s life was saved. The mister thanked the doctor and wanted to see the boy. We were waiting outside. There were some tears on mister’s face. Tim was very pale. His father was sitting near him.
-Your son is as good as gold. You have brought up a real boy. He saved my son’s life putting in danger his own. Instead of him my son…, - he could not continue, he only hugged Tim and kissed his forehead.
-Sorry for my son’s behavior. Tim answered with kindness and I try to do everything to make him throw his crutch away. I have called the best doctors, and they promised that Tim will live with full-fledged life. Be healthy my boy!
After these words he took Tim’s crutch.
-You will never need it,-whispered kind mister.
-God Bless You,- smiled Tim.