
Չարլզ Դիքենս - 2012 / Մասնակիցներ
Վարկանիշ` 139
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ք. Երևանի թիվ 112 ա/դ
What would Dickens write today?
I'm Charles Dickens,Dickens who has always been interested in society and who has criticized capitalist system,the dishonesty between the rich and the poor.
As I see, it is 21st century and my rebirth has its aim to show the face nowadays society.
Almost 300 years have past,science and technology have improved,but social problems have remained the same.
This is my style which is only mine - critical realism.Due to it I introduce the face of society where I live and work.Society where the rich has power over the poor and the latter always obey them,their will.Exploitation is spread all over the world.
Even nowadays there are people like Dombey who search a heir for their firms .
My "Dombey and son" novel tells story of a rich bourgeois family, the Dombys.Mrs Dombey is a merchant a capitalist.His character has its roofs in his love of money.
This problem has globalized a poor scientist , a stupid rich man, ambitious and stubborn heirs, or a clever and a wise man who lives in unbearable conditions.
This is what I see even now,when a lot of years should have changed a lot of things .
I think I would write the same novels which I wrote in the 19th century, only here a firm would be changed into a high-tech company and people would more vacant desires.
On the other hand this is the problem of all times,which means that man must be optimist like me to enjoy his or her life.